Tank of the Month - April 2007

WMAS - Tank of the Month
Ethan Wilson

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Hi, Future Tank of the month WMAS member! Thank you for allowing us to showcase your tank on our website. To assist you in your write up, we have compiled a list of things to consider:

1) Your name, location and occupation. Include how long you have been an aquarist, how long you have been a WMAS member and how you heard of our club.
Ethan Wilson
American Fork, Utah
How long have you been in the hobby?
5 months
How long have you been a member of the club?
4 Months
How did you hear about the WMAS?
Google Search

2) Describe your tank. Acrylic or glass? Size in dimensions and gallons. How long has it been set up?
Acrylic / Glass:
Size in gallons:
L 18� X W 19.6�X H 19.7
Age: (how long has the system been running)
9 Months

3) Describe your lighting system, including your photo-period. Add what you would change if you could.
Type: pc Watts: 2 (36) (72 total) Photo-Period: 7 ish am to 10 ish pm Wish List: new bulbs. Other: blue led

4) Describe your filtration system. Include: How deep is your sand bed, plenum, your skimmer size and model and how long you run it, your circulation pumps (how many and their size in gallons per hour), your sump/refugium including Reverse Daylight, biowheels and skilters, HOT systems, clean up crew.
It has about 1-1 1/2 inch sand bed of crushed coral. No skimmer yah lotta water changes. Standard pump of 290 gph, no sump unless you count the back chambers. Use some bioballs but mostly just the live rock. Sponges are used for the mechanical filtration. Ive added an extra serface skimmer to take care of the surface algie. Clean up crew I have about 6 snails and about 5 crabs. And a couple of feather dusters hiding and a shrimp.

5) What are your maintenance techniques? Include water change schedule.
I try and do 1 water change a week of 5 gallons but that usually varies with time. And then I clean out the filter sponges and replace the carbon and phosphate once every 2 weeks. I use a magfloat for most of the algie but also get in some times and gently scrap off coroline algie and others with a razor blade.

6) What additives do you use?
Kalkwasser, Strontium, Molybdenum, Iodine, Magnesium, Other

7) Describe your feeding philosophy. Include your schedule, and what you prefer to feed your system?
I usually just feed frozen brine shrimp I get from pets mart. Just the small cubes and do one cube every other day.

8) DIY ie, Calcium reactor, stand / hood, skimmer, sump, ect. Any Do-it-yourself items of interest? Web-sites that you may have referenced?
I have no idea I mostly figure its easier to work for my money and use it to buy the things I need then I can usually guarentee any of my mess ups wont interfier with the total outcome
9) Stand and Canopy
Wood: Black painted particle board
Special Characteristics:

Special fit for jbj nano cube 10) Items of interest: Favorite or unusual Fish, coral, or invertebrate
Favorite Fish: : My favorite is the yellow or kole tang but In my tank are the auselaris clouns
Favorite Coral: Definitly my "nucleir green" sun polyps but other than that It would be my bubble tip.
Favorite Polyps: LOL look up ha
Favorite Sponge: none
Favorite Crab: I do like the blue legged
Favorite Worm: feather duster Favorite Clam: none

11) Can you include a table showing your elemental levels of Ca+, alkalinity, S.G., temperature, pH and other interesting testables?

12) What experiences and challenges have you had with the tank? Any lessons learned? Is there anything you do differently than others (or differently than previously)? If so, why?
One of the best things I have found is to buy the tank used there for you get all the equipment and corals at amazing prices. Yes you do get all of there mistakes or problems but I feel its easier to fix there for all of my tanks are from previouse owners but Im the one who defined and made them the brilliance and buety that I love them for. One of my biggest challenges has been in my 55 which for some reason tangs just don�t make it. I had both my yellow tangs die in the same day and I fear to get any more. One of my greatest weird experiences is explaining to non sw fans what the heck live rock is. I guess no one can comprehend that rock can be �alive� but its not the rock its more the organisms. I think some people want to put me in an insane asilm.

13) Other Hobbies, Interestes, Pets, etc?
One of my other hobbies or �interests� could be lawn mowing. I do it as a business during the summer but its more like free money because I love to do it. I also enjoy any type of work I love going to work and working long shifts. I do have a dog wich I love madly. She is 8 ish years old and is a miniature schnauzer. Princess is her name yah I know very very original. Other than that I love to watch movies in my home theater I keep in my room. Yah I spend all my money on junk where I play my ps3 my surround sound and my hd projector movies are pretty much my life. Im very into quality of films and music.

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